Be part of history - record your memories of COVID-19

Published on 18 June 2020

Kids Memories of COVID-19

Kids, how would you like your photograph or drawing showcased at the History Illuminated Festival later this year? ⁣

As part of a joint project with The Children’s University of Newcastle, Lake Mac Libraries is collecting children's memories of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Anyone aged 16 and under, living in Lake Macquarie and the surrounding area, is invited to participate.

All you need to do is draw a picture or send a photo of your time at home, and write a short paragraph to tell us about your experience.⁣

Then, scan or take a photo of your work, and email us at [email protected] by Friday 28 August.⁣

Please note: any material submitted may be included on our Lake Macquarie History website as a historical record, and used in future virtual and physical exhibitions.

What should I submit?

Looking for ideas of what to write and draw? Here's some suggestions to help you get started:

  • Did you learn a new skill?
  • What did you find most memorable?
  • What was good about lockdown? What wasn't so good?
  • What was your new daily routine like during COVID-19

How to get involved

1) Draw a picture or send a photo of your time at home during the COVID-19 lockdown.

2) Write a short paragraph to tell us about your experience.

3) Scan or take a photo of your work, including the short paragraph, and email at [email protected] by Friday 28 August.⁣

What happens next?

Selected entries will be collated into a slideshow presentation and shown at the History Illuminated Festival later this year.

Entries may also be used as a historical record on the Lake Macquarie website, and used in future digital and physical exhibitions. 

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