The community recycling stations located within our libraries are temporarily unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Published on 18 June 2020
Kids, how would you like your photograph or drawing showcased at the History Illuminated Festival later this year? As part of a joint project with The Children’s University of Newcastle, Lake Mac Libraries is collecting children's memories of the COVID-19 lockdown. Anyone aged 16 and under, living in Lake Macquarie and the surrounding area, is invited to participate. All you need to do is draw a picture or send a photo of your time at home, and write a short paragraph to tell us about your experience. Then, scan or take a photo of your work, and email us at [email protected] by Friday 28 August. Please note: any material submitted may be included on our Lake Macquarie History website as a historical record, and used in future virtual and physical exhibitions.
Looking for ideas of what to write and draw? Here's some suggestions to help you get started:
1) Draw a picture or send a photo of your time at home during the COVID-19 lockdown. 2) Write a short paragraph to tell us about your experience. 3) Scan or take a photo of your work, including the short paragraph, and email at [email protected] by Friday 28 August.
Selected entries will be collated into a slideshow presentation and shown at the History Illuminated Festival later this year. Entries may also be used as a historical record on the Lake Macquarie website, and used in future digital and physical exhibitions.