The community recycling stations located within our libraries are temporarily unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Published on 09 December 2020
Below is a summary of the operating hours of Lake Mac Libraries branches over the Christmas and New Year period.
24 December - All branches open until noon.
Christmas Day - All branches closed.
26 - 28 December - Swansea Centre open 9am-2pm. All other libraries closed.
29 December - Swansea Centre open 9am-5pm. All other libraries closed.
30 December - Swansea Centre open 9am-5pm. Charlestown and Toronto open 9am-1pm. All other libraries closed.
31 December - Swansea Centre open 9am-2pm. Charlestown and Toronto open 9am-1pm. All other libraries closed.
1-3 January 2021 - Swansea Centre open 9am-2pm. All other libraries closed.
4 January 2021 - All libraries reopen with normal operating arrangements.
Borrowed items may still be returned to Library branches with after hours drop off chutes, these include: