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Published on 30 September 2020
Political journalist, activist and author Sarah Wilson will provide a personal insight into how we can better understand and reframe our lives during tumultuous times next week as part of the Living Smart Beyond 2020 program of online events.
Wilson, who has amassed more than 2.5 million social media followers worldwide and sold more than one million books in Australia alone, will kick off the free Living Smart Book Club series on the evening of Wednesday 7 October. Hosted by ABC Newcastle’s Jenny Marchant, the live chat and Q&A session with online audience members will cover her new book, this one wild and precious life and the hopeful way forward Wilson outlines within it. Steps she advocates include: • Pushing yourself to do what scares you and to embrace discomfort daily • Buying less and living more • Getting outdoors to reconnect with nature and ourselves • Practicing ‘wild activism’, to effect positive change in the world Lake Macquarie City Council Acting Sustainability Engagement Coordinator Kerry Brown said Wilson was the ideal fit for the Living Smart Book Club concept. “We wanted to get some of Australia’s top authors, conservationists, thinkers and activists and hear from them about what we can do in our everyday life,” Ms Brown said. “Sarah has provided inspiration to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and we’re looking forward to her sharing her passion and insight with a local Lake Mac audience.” Wilson is the first of three A-list authors headlining the Book Club online series, with 1 Million Women founder and Every Woman’s Guide to Saving the Planet author Natalie Isaacs next on the list. Isaacs will join Marchant for a live online chat and Q&A on Wednesday 4 November, while leading conservationist, author and former Australian of the year Tim Flannery is booked for Wednesday 2 December. All three sessions will be held 7.30-8.30pm on their respective dates. The sessions are free, but bookings are essential. Go to for more information and bookings.