EVENT POSTPONED - This event has been postponed. We hope to hold in Summer 2021.
Join in a weekend full of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, ARTs, and maths) shows, activities and workshops all part of Lake Mac STEAM Week.
All activities have limited numbers to comply with COVID safe requirements.
Saturday 15 August and Sunday 16 August
Bookings Required
Scienza Viva “Let’s Find Out” Science Shows
10-11am and 12-1pm
Bookings required
The Let’s Find Out Science Show is an interactive show with demonstrations in physics (e.g. Bernoulli effect and water wheels), chemistry (e.g. redox reaction, pH and film canister rockets) and biology (e.g. giant stick insects). Best suited for ages 5+
Science Storytime
Bookings Required
Learn about science through literacy with a special STEAM week storytime.
VR Underwater Labs
Sessions from 10am-2pm each day
Bookings required
Book a place in one of three VR Labs and explore the deep blue. Lab sessions last for 20mins, with two experiences to choose from
- Ocean Rift, Ocean Rift is the world's first VR aquatic safari park
- TheBlu, TheBlu is a deeply immersive VR series that allows audiences to experience the wonder and majesty of the ocean through different habitats and come face to face with some of the most awe inspiring species on the plane
All equipment is thoroughly sanitized between each session and disposal VR masks will be supplied for all participants.
For the safety and well-being of all participants safe-distancing and social gathering measures will be practiced and contact details for traceability in the future will be kept. All attendees will be reminded to follow safe physical distancing and health advice by keeping 1.5m apart, maintaining personal hygiene by regularly washing hands, and not attending if they feel unwell.