Family History Series


During 2021, Lake Mac Libraries is offering a six part course for beginners and researchers looking to improve their knowledge. The six part course will cover all major Australian and international databases, DNA, using local sources, charting and documenting your family history and everything else to get you started on your family history journey.

You can book in for all six sessions or book single dates to compliment your research.

Each session will be held at Speers Point Library. Afternoon tea and refreshments included.

Program developed by the Society of Australian Genealogists in partnership with the Lake Macquarie Family History Group

Tickets $80 for six part course or $15 per session

Bookings essential

Saturday 1pm-4.30pm on the follow dates:

  • Saturday 13th March
  • Saturday 10th April
  • Saturday 8th May
  • Saturday 12th June
  • Saturday 10th July
  • Saturday 14th August

Session overview:

Session 1 – Getting started and Australian repositories

The first session will cover how to get started with researching your family history. We will look at setting a goal, planning your research, the first steps and golden rules and how to record what you find.

This session will also include putting Australian records in context – whether they are colonial, state or commonwealth records you are searching will impact on where they may be found. There will be demonstrations of popular Australian websites and time for some searching of your own with experts on hand to offer tips and advice.

Session 2 – Major subscription sites and United Kingdom/Republic of Ireland repositories

The second session will move beyond the shores of Australia. We will look at some of the well-known subscription sites, such as Ancestry and Find My Past, as well as some that are free to use in order to discover what they can contribute to your research and what their limitations are.

This session will also introduce you to researching in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Including examining the major records you are likely to encounter and why are they useful.

Session 3 – Storing and sharing your research

In the third session we will examine the various options available for storing and backing up your research. We will also examine ways to share your findings with family and friends. As part of this topic we will cover scanning photos/documents, downloading records, recording sources and the types of family history charts you can produce.

We will also discuss techniques for conducting and recording interviews with family members.

Session 4 – What is DNA and genetic genealogy

DNA and genetic genealogy are hot topics right now. In this fourth session we will explain what DNA is, how it is used in genealogical research and why people get so excited about the possibilities DNA provides.

We will outline the various types of DNA tests used and which companies off which products.

There are many ethical considerations to think about when using DNA as a research tool and this session will include information about what needs to be discussed before you or a relative takes a test.

Session 5 – More than hatching, matching and dispatching: adding detail to our ancestors lives

Family history is about more than collecting names and dates, it is about understanding the lives and stories of our ancestors. This fifth session will delve into the resources available to add colour and substance to our stories. We will look at cemetery records, war service records, immigration files, probate and divorce files and the wonderful digistised newspapers available on the National Library of Australia’s TROVE platform.

We will also have guest speakers from the Society of Australian Genealogists, your Local History Librarians and Lake Macquarie Family History Society talk about the resources they hold that you may not be able to locate anywhere else.2

Session 6 – Where to from here?

In this final session we will revisit our initial goals – have we achieved them, did the goals change along the way or are they still a work in progress?

We will also look at developing a research plan to continue on with.

We will also revise any areas where further questions have arisen or anyone is having difficulties.

We will finish the course by inviting all attendees the opportunity (not compulsory) to give a short presentation about what they have discovered about their ancestors.

For the safety and well-being of all participants safe-distancing and social gathering measures will be practiced and contact details for traceability in the future will be kept. All attendees will be reminded to follow safe physical distancing and health advice by keeping 1.5m apart, maintaining personal hygiene by regularly washing hands, and not attending if they feel unwell.


  • Saturday, 08 May 2021 | 01:00 PM - 04:30 PM
  • Saturday, 12 June 2021 | 01:00 PM - 04:30 PM
  • Saturday, 10 July 2021 | 01:00 PM - 04:30 PM
  • Saturday, 14 August 2021 | 01:00 PM - 04:30 PM


Speers Point Library, Stilling St. Rathmines, Speers Point 2283  View in Google Maps

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