The community recycling stations located within our libraries are temporarily unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.
In this workshop, zine legend Bastian Fox Phelan explores zines and how to make them and will guide you to create your own Zine. This is for anyone - beginners and more experienced - with an interest in writing, drawing, collage, poetry, fan art and comic books!
See your zine published as part of our “Go Wild for Libraries” place-marker project. Books will be distributed throughout Lake Macquarie .
The “Go Wild for Libraries” project aims to promote and highlight public libraries in Lake Macquarie, by placing a variety of coloured, fibreglass animals at selected library branches.
About the creator: Bastian Fox Phelan is a writer, musician and zinemaker. They have been part of Australia's zine community since 2005. Many of Bastian's zines are held in library and art gallery collections around Australia and internationally.
To ensure your safety we will ask questions around your health and travel, and keep contact details for traceability in the future. All participants are reminded to please follow safe physical distancing and health advice by keeping 1.5m apart, maintaining personal hygiene by regularly washing hands, and not attending if they feel unwell.