Introduction to Textile Art

Next date: Thursday, 12 June 2025 | 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM

A taster workshop with practising artist and teacher Lorraine Parker.

Join practising artist and teacher Lorraine Parker to discover the world of textile artistry.

Participants will be given a “taster’ of techniques to explore textile creativity.

  • All materials will be supplied.
  • This workshop is suited to beginners.

Cost: $40 plus booking fee
Lake Mac ArtsMembers $36 plus booking fee

What is textile art?
An art form that uses textile materials like fabric, yarn, thread, and other fibres as the primary medium to create artistic and decorative objects, encompassing many techniques. It is one of the oldest forms of art in history and has played a part in practical and decorative man-made objects for hundreds of thousands of years.

Presented by Lake Macquarie Dobell Festival The Lake Macquarie Dobell Festival is an annual month-long arts festival inspired by the life and work of esteemed artist Sir William Dobell. A former resident of Wangi Wangi, Sir William Dobell is known for his passion, innovation, experimentation and creative excellence.

The festival includes a range of events around Lake Macquarie including workshops, presentations and exhibitions addressing various aspects of Dobell's life and work.

Image artworks: Flinders Ranges Grass Trees & Pier Group courtesy of artist.

About the presenting artist
Lorraine Parker is a trained teacher and Quilt Art Judge with the British Isles; 2019. She has entered several juried Quilt Art Exhibitions in Australia and overseas and sold many pieces of her work. Her teaching and sharing of her skills are strong on her agenda.

In her work, Lorraine aims to capture the essence of our diverse environment visually and to communicate this. Her background in design influences the underlying structure of her work. She has a fascination with colour and loves placing and manipulating textiles that evoke a sense of nature, place, time or timelessness and to transport the viewer into their own experience. Lorraine believes that a work is successful if it connects and “speaks” to the viewer, evoking emotion. Lorraine's curiosity in using the many forms of textile materials; fibre, yarn, fabric and non-woven and her experimental approach to finding new techniques have resulted in an eclectic, broad range of work, both small and large. Using techniques of applying colour through surface dyeing, painting and printing as well as manipulation of yarns and fabric combined with free motion machine stitching add texture and expression to Lorraine's work.


  • Thursday, 12 June 2025 | 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM


Toronto Library, tirrabiyangba, Cnr Brighton Avenue & Pemell Street, Toronto, 2283, View in Google Maps

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