Lake Macquarie Fellowship Of Australian Writers - Anthology Launch

Next date: Saturday, 17 May 2025 | 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Celebrate 25 years of a passionate Lake Macquarie writing community.

We are writers: twenty-five years one fellowship is the most recent anthology from the LMFAW. Celebrating a quarter of a century as a committed group of writers, current members have compiled history and narratives to capture the group’s events and essence of the last twenty-five years.

The panel will discuss documenting, researching and writing history and share some of their interesting finds from the archives.

Free Event

Books available for sale and signing

Part of the Write Here Festival - Lake Mac Libraries. Full program details here.

Alison Ferguson Since retiring from her academic and clinical work in speech pathology, Alison has written a number of prize-winning short stories in crime, horror, and science fiction, most recently winning the Newcastle Herald’s 2025 Short Story Competition. In 2021, she self-published three historical novels, The Sisters’ Saga, and in 2023 her first science fiction novel, Grey Nomad, was published by Brio Books.

John Franks John has a master’s degree in education. He has had two books published, the first being Memoirs (Warts and All) of a Baby Boomer (2020) and his first novel: ECHOES (2024). He has also had several short stories published. He joined LMFAW in order to improve his writing, principally via their critique sessions but also to hear the journey of other writers. He has benefited hugely from the encouragement he received. John was made a life member of Newcastle Theatre Company in 2011. Besides writing, for the last five years he has conducted the Lake Macquarie U3A orchestra.

Ned Stephenson Ned found the courage to begin penning tales when his first entry into a writing competition was selected for the HWC Short Story anthology of 2019. Since then, he has published three books and been shortlisted or won awards in a dozen short story competitions. He hopes to be reincarnated as a pygmy marmoset, so next time around he won’t worry so much. His fiction can be found at

Sandra Boyd After writing and publishing nine books as Sandra Joy, she fell in love with the publishing process and now publishes other people's books. Kani Consultants provides editing and publishing services under the mantra of “helping words matter”. Other projects include school workshops and competitions, mentoring and collaborative writing. Sandra is the president of the Lake Macquarie branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers and has a Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, majoring in English and Writing. She is currently studying a Graduate Diploma in Editing and Publishing.

Windale Hub, bilyabayi
Windale Hub has a rear car park accessible from Shade Lane. There is one accessible car park with a ramp leading to the building. The building also has an internal ramp. There is a second entry to the library on Lake Street with 2-hour parking available. The library has an accessible toilet and all meeting rooms have a hearing loop.

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  • Saturday, 17 May 2025 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Windale Hub, bilyabayi, 20 Lake Street, Windale, 2306, View in Google Maps

Google Map

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