Three Churches Worship Program

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This worship program is aimed at the local Christian community and caters for all ages (babies, toddlers, children, teens, young adult, parents, grandparents). A mix of traditional music (live orchestral instruments, piano, organ) and contemporary praise and worship band. Avondale University Church’s stunning new Hauptwerke Organ will be featured in the service.

Avondale University Church 
9:30am Sabbath School (approx. 60 min) and 11am Worship (approx. 60 - 90 min)

Free event
Free drinks available in the foyer

Parking and access
Avondale University campus parking is free on weekends. Head down University Drive, through the boomgate, turn left and immediately left again into P1 visitor parking on your right.

Need help on the day?
Look out for members of the welcome team wearing t-shirts with the Avondale University Church logo. They will be happy to help you navigate this combined worship experience.

For more information:


  • Saturday, 09 September 2023 | 09:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Avondale University Church, 582 Freemans Drive, Coorangbong, 2265, View in Google Maps

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