Uncovering the History of the Women’s Refuge Movement in NSW


This movement is now over forty-years-old. However, very little research has been done in charting how the women’s refuge movement developed in rural and regional Australia. Alexandria Hawkins considers how uncovering the history of women’s refuges in regional NSW can both challenge and enrich our current understandings of the history of the women’s refuge movement in Australia more broadly.

 Speaker Bio:
Alexandria Hawkins | I hold a Bachelor of Arts with a Diploma of Education and a Master of Research both majoring in Modern History. I am currently undertaking a PhD in the Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations at Macquarie University. My current research is looking at the history of the women’s refuge movement in regional NSW. My PhD research was awarded the 2019 National Council of Women’s Australian Women’s History Award.


Presented by History Illuminated.

Bookings essential.

Gold coin donation on entry.

For the safety and well-being of all participants safe-distancing and social gathering measures will be practiced and contact details for traceability in the future will be kept. All attendees will be reminded to follow safe physical distancing and health advice by keeping 1.5m apart, maintaining personal hygiene by regularly washing hands, and not attending if they feel unwell.






  • Monday, 07 September 2020 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Rathmines Theatre, 3 Stilling Street,  2283  View in Google Maps

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