Next date: Tuesday, 21 January 2025 | 11:00 AM to Wednesday, 29 January 2025 | 05:00 PM
During 2024, 22 local artists were involved in a weekly art program held at MAC yapang over a twelve-week period. This program titled ‘IncludingYOU’, was specifically designed for artists living with disability, and their support workers and provided a vibrant space for experimenting with materials to create artworks, learn new skills and create new connections.
Including YOU, Including ME, Including US is a collaboration between IncludingYOU and MAC yapang, and presents the works of these 22 artists in exhibition to celebrate the contributions and abilities of people who live with disability, and how far we have come as a community since the UN declaration of the International Day of People with Disability in 1992.
Including YOU, Including ME, Including US will be on view at Windale Hub from October 22nd until February 2nd as a part of the Launchpad @ Lake Mac Libraries exhibition program.
Linda Bennett
Sally Carman
Luke Convery
Byron Coppins
Michelle Davies
Coral Foley
Melissa Henderson
Codie Jones
Julie Killeen
Liam Kiss
Iesha Lewins
Sam Milton
Cameron Milford
Billie Mosman
Jade Naulu
Grace Nelson
Emma O’Brien
Sheridan Smith
Penny Stout
Maree Stuart
Isaac Tomkins
Matthew Webster
Ryan Burrett
Indeah Clark
Lisa Barnes
Caroline Collins
Nicole Culpan
Jake Hampton
Charli Holbrow
Louise Howe
Grace Middleby
Kim Moore
Hannah Robertson
Jessica Walkley
Belinda Waters
Janelle Wood
Images: Artists completing their works for Including YOU, Including ME, Including US. Photography by Ryan Burrett.
Windale Hub, 20 Lake St, Windale 2306 View in Google Maps
20 Lake St , Windale 2306
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